한국 스키 문화의 특징과 스키 산업 발전 방안
The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of the Korean ski culture, to derive the constraint factors for the development of the ski industry, and to seek ways to overcome them. To this end, literature review and expert meetings were conducted, and the results were as follows. First, as representative characteristics of Korean ski culture, there are short seasons due to the distinct four seasons, slopes without diversity centered on artificial snow, short and narrow slopes, high proportion of skis in short radius, high accessibility to ski resorts, and high proportion of serious skiers. Second, the constraint factors hindering the development of the Korean ski industry include a short season due to environmental restrictions, negative experiences in the ski introductory course, negative perception of skiing, high economic barriers to entry, and distrust of ski instructors. Third, suggestions for overcoming the derived constraint factors and developing the Korean ski industry are as follows. Developing infrastructure for off-season activities, improving the quality of student group programs, positive image enhancement of skiing, reducing economic barriers for beginners, and improving ski teaching methods.
ski culture, ski industry, ski population, suggestions for developing키워드:
스키문화, 스키산업, 발전 방안, 스키인구, 스키교수법Acknowledgments
이 논문은 2019년 『제100회 전국체육대회기념 제57회 한국체육학회 학술대회』발표내용을 바탕으로 재구성하였음
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