국내 여성 여가활동 참가자의 여가참여 특성이 여가생활 만족에 미치는 영향: 여성가족 패널조사 7차, 8차 결과를 중심으로
In the midst of growing importance of leisure activities in one’s life, this study tested and validated the detailed impacts of leisure activity participatory characteristics(participation frequency, diversity, time and money spent) on female leisure participants’ leisure life satisfaction using the 7th and 8th Korean longitudinal survey data of women and families collected by Korean Women’s Development Institute (7th N=9,602, 8th N=9,175). The results showed that leisure activity participation frequency and diversity have linearly positive impacts on leisure life satisfaction while time and money spent on leisure activity turn out to have inverted-U relationships with leisure life satisfaction. This means that a moderate degree of time or money spending on leisure activity is more effective in enhancing one’s leisure life satisfaction than too much or too little spending of time and money on leisure activity. The interactive effects among participatory characteristics were further examined using Process Macro dual moderation analysis(model 2). The results showed that there is a significant interaction between leisure activity participation frequency and money spent on leisure activity. The same analysis for respondents with high resource constraint (married women with a job) showed that leisure activity participation frequency has significant interactions with both money spent and time spent on leisure activities especially. The results imply that excessive time and money spent on leisure activity can harm one’s leisure life satisfaction and therefore, it is important to optimally manage one’s leisure participation in terms of frequency, diversity, time and money spent on leisure activities to effectively enhance one’s leisure life satisfaction.
leisure activity participatory characteristics, leisure life satisfaction, non-linear effect, Korean longitudinal survey of women and families키워드:
여가참여특성, 여가생활만족, 비선형효과, 여성가족패널조사Acknowledgments
이 논문은 연세대학교 경영연구소의 연구비 지원을 받음.
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