지역 여가프로그램으로써 태화강섭(SUP)레저관광사업의 의미와 개발과정 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze leisure program classes, the consortium composition, project execution, and the evaluation of the project, which were the source of the Taehwa River SUP leisure program. To achieve the purpose of the study, four peer-researchers participated and used the eight leisure program development principles proposed by Russell and Jamieson for project evaluation. The conclusions are as follows. First, the leisure program classes conducted by iF-PBL could become the basis of the Taehwa River SUP Leisure Program hosted by the KTO. Second, the formation of a consortium and project process for the Taehwa River SUP Leisure program were carried out in accordance with the project agreement presented by the KTO, and various leisure programs were developed, also it is seemed that such a protocol for developing leisure programs will be helpful for beginer of businesses or researchers who lack experience in planning such projects in the future. Third, the eight leisure program development principles suggested by Russell and Jamieson will be helpful in supplementing and improving the shortcomings in developing leisure programs suitable for Korean conditions as reference standards.
Leisure Program, Taehwa River SUP Leisure tourism business, iF-PBL, SUP, stand up paddle board키워드:
여가프로그램, 태화강섭레저관광사업, 현장중심프로젝트기반학습, 섭, SUP, 스탠드업패들보드References
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