대학 수상스포츠 수업 참여가 스포츠가치관 및 수업환경만족에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to provide basic literature data by examining the effects of university water sports class participation on sports values and class environment satisfaction. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, three universities in Gyeonggi-do where water sports classes are opened and face-to-face water sports classes are conducted in 2021 were selected as the population, and a total of 221 questionnaires were used for actual analysis. First, it was found that participation in university water sports class had a positive effect in all sub-factors in the effect of class participation on sports values. Second, it was found that participation in university water sports class had a positive effect on class satisfaction. Third, it was found that the sports values of participants in university water sports had a positive effect on class satisfaction. The participation of college students in water sports classes can have a positive effect on the establishment of sports values, and it will also have a positive effect on the satisfaction of the class environment.
leisure satisfaction, water sportscollege water sports, class participation, sports values, Satisfaction with class environment키워드:
대학생, 수상스포츠, 수상레져, 수업참여, 스포츠가치관, 수업환경만족References
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