코로나19와 여가생활의 변화: 2020 국민여가활동조사 결과를 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for establishing leisure policies in post-corona era by examining how the leisure life of the people are changing after COVID-19. This study examined the changes in leisure life of the people using the 2019 and 2020 National Leisure Activity Survey. Compared to before COVID-19, cultural and art activities, sports activities, tourism activities increased, while hobbies and entertainment activities, relaxing activities, social-related activities decreased. People who spend leisure time alone, people who enjoy leisure activities outdoors, leisure time, time spent with smart devices, awareness of leisure activity increased. The frequency of leisure activities, leisure satisfaction decreased. Through this study, it was found that the leisure life of the people changed after COVID-19.
COVID-19, leisure activity, post corona, National Leisure Activity Survey키워드:
코로나19, 여가활동, 포스트 코로나, 국민여가활동조사References
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