확장된 목표지향적 행동모델을 적용한 순천만국가정원 방문객의 의사결정에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to identify decision making process for visitor of Suncheon bay national garden by using extended model of goal-directed behavior(EMGB). This study developed an extended model of goal-directed behavior to examine the effect environmentally friendly tourism behavior on Suncheon bay national garden visitors’ decision making-process. To achieve the goal of this study, 321 surveys were collected from Suncheon bay national garden visitors. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS program. The results of this study were as follows. First, environmentally friendly tourism behavior had positive effect on desire. Second, attitude had positive effect on desire. Third, Positive anticipated emotion had positive effect on desire. Forth, negative anticipated emotion had positive effect on desire. Fifth, desire had positive effect on visiting intention. In conclusion, the finding of this study showed that extended model of goal-directed can provide comprehensive perspective on decision-making process for visitors in Suncheon bay national garden.
model of goal-directed behavior, suncheon bay national garden, decision-making process, visiting intention키워드:
목표지향적 행동모델, 순천만국가정원, 의사결정과정, 방문의도References
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