Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 43, No. 3, pp.81-90
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Sep 2019
Received 08 Aug 2019 Revised 28 Aug 2019 Accepted 19 Sep 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2019.

한국인 여가반추척도 개발과 타당화 검증

Development of the Korean Leisure-Related Rumination Scale and Verification of the Validity
Kim, Young Jae1
1Chung-Ang University

Correspondence to: Kim, Young-Jae ChungAng University, 84 Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82-2-820-5382, Fax:+82-812-2729, E-mail: yjkim@cau.co.kr


This study suggests a measurement tool, based on the concept of korean leisure-related rumination. For this study, the previous studies on rumination were considered and leisure-related rumination factors perceived by Korean people were integrated. Then the validity was verified through conceptual and statistical procedures. For data analysis, questionnaires collected from 995 normal people (539 males, 456 females) in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, Gyeongnam Province and Busan were employed. In this study, leisure-related rumination factors that may appear in everyday life were considered and according to the conceptual procedure, the statistical validity and reliability were verified to provide an appropriate measurement tool. In order to obtain the validity, reliability and internal consistency of the leisure-related rumination scale, exploratory-confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach α were applied and significant results were found in individual factors of the leisure-related rumination scale. For evaluating the goodness-of-fit of the factor structure extracted from exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. As a result, leisure-related rumination factors were classified into affective, problem-solving and negative evaluation. It is considered that based on this study result, further research will need to build up more basic data of leisure-related rumination for leisure activity majors and students by examining the correlation among attitude, boredom, restriction and motivation, which are socio-psychological variables related to rumination of this study and leisure activity of the existing studies.


korean leisure-related rumination, rumination, affective, problem-solving, negative evaluation


여가, 일반추, 여가반추, 딴짓, 계획된행동이론


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