Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park

Journal Archive

Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 47 , No. 2

[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 29-42
Abbreviation: KSLRP
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2023
Received 30 Apr 2023 Revised 03 Jun 2023 Accepted 17 Jun 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2023.

생활체육으로서 컬링의 가치 탐색
스위야오1 ; 김미향2
1국민대학교 박사과정
2국민대학교 교수

Exploring the Value of Curling as Sports for All
Shi, Yu-Yao1 ; Kim, Mee-Hyang2
1kookmin University
2kookmin University
Correspondence to : Kim, Mee-Hyang E-mail: mhkim@kookmin.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to explore sources of enjoyment and the value of curling as sports for all by understanding the experiences of amateur curling players. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 amateur curling players from the 2020 Korean-Chinese celebrity curling competition. The result of this study illustrated that there were three enjoyment sources of curling at the beginner stage newness, curiosity, and excitement. Also another three enjoyment sources existed at the stage of basic skills acquisition: adaptation of ice rink, understating of stone movement, and target hitting. In the strategy acquisition level, competition management strategy, situation strategic planning, and strategy execution were included as sources of enjoyment. Lastly at the stage of the competition sharing of achievement, uncertainty of stone movement and opportunity of reversal were verified. In terms of the value of curling as sports for all various factors such as health enhancement, interaction, self-development were identified in three components of value: physical, social, and psychological.

Keywords: sports for all, enjoyment, curling, value of curling
키워드: 생활체육, 재미, 컬링, 컬링의 가치

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