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[ Article ] | |
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 1-13 | |
Abbreviation: KSLRP | |
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print) | |
Print publication date 31 Mar 2020 | |
Received 09 Jan 2020 Revised 11 Mar 2020 Accepted 21 Mar 2020 | |
DOI: | |
음주동기와 음주참여의 관계에서 쾌락적 소비의 개념 적용과 식도락 추구의 조절효과 탐색 | |
권혁인1 ; 윤홍권2
| |
1중앙대학교 교수 | |
2중앙대학교 박사과정 | |
Exploring the Application of the Concept of Hedonic Consumption and the Moderating Effect of Culinary Pursuit in the relationship between Drinking Motivation and Drinking Enjoyment | |
Kwon, Hyeog-In1 ; Yoon, Hong-Gwon2
| |
1Chung-Ang University, Professor | |
2Chung-Ang University, PH.D. Student | |
Correspondence to : Yoon, Hong-Gwon Chungang University, Heukseok-ro 84, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82-02-820-6965, E-mail: | |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of drinking motivation on drinking enjoyment including the concept of consumption and to investigate the moderating effect of the culinary pursuit in relation to drinking motivation and drinking enjoyment. Therefore, alcohol drinking motivation factors as independent variables, stress and perceived drinking control factors as control variables, and drinking enjoyment factor as a dependent variable were set. In order to achieve the study goal, we collected data from 261 adults with drinking experience and examined the reliability and validity of the data and conducted a multiple regression analysis using the structural equation model. Main Findings were as follows: First, Coping motivation and social motivation were important predictors of drinking enjoyment even though stress and alcohol control factors were controlled. Second, culinary pursuit had a significant effect on the relationship between drinking motivation and drinking pleasure. Especially the relationship between enhancement motivation and drinking enjoyment. This study is meaningful in that the pursuit of culinary can have a significant effect on the relationship between drinking motivation and drinking enjoyment.
Keywords: drinking motivation, drinking enjoyment, culinary pursuit, moderating effect 키워드: 음주동기, 음주참여, 식도락 추구, 조절효과 |
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