Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park

Current Issue

Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 48 , No. 4

[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 45-57
Abbreviation: KSLRP
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Dec 2023
Received 08 Nov 2023 Revised 09 Dec 2023 Accepted 15 Dec 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2023.

여가 동기 유형에 따른 레크리에이션 전문화, 전문화 수준 향상 노력 및 전문화 의도의 차이
정명숙1 ; 황선환2
1서울시립대학교 박사과정
2서울시립대학교 교수

Differences in Recreation Specialization, Efforts to Increase the level of Recreation Specialization, and Intent of Recreation Specialization Increase among type of Leisure Motivation
Chung, Myungsook1 ; Hwang, Sunhwan2
1University of Seoul
2University of Seoul
Correspondence to : Hwang, Sunhwan E-mail: shhwang@uos.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in recreation specialization, efforts to increase the level of recreation specialization, and intent of recreation specialization increase among type of leisure motivation. To achieve the research objectives, frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, k-means cluster analysis, & one-way analysis of variance, were conducted using SPSS 27.0 and AMOS 26.0 programs, and the following research results were obtained. First, four clusters were formed according to the type of leisure motivation, which were categorized as intrinsic type, escaping type, extrinsic type, and seeking type, respectively. Second, there was a statistically significant difference in recreation specialization among leisure motivation type(p<.01), with recreation specialization in the intrinsic type, escaping type, and seeking type groups being higher than in the extrinsic type. Third, although there was a statistically significant difference in efforts to increase the level of recreation specialization among leisure motivation type(p<.05), post-hoc analyses did not reveal significant differences among the four groups. Finally, there was a statistically significant difference in intent of recreation specialization increase among leisure motivation type(p<.001), with intent of recreation specialization increase in the extrinsic type and seeking type having higher than intrinsic type and escaping type.

This study suggests that university students should be encouraged to participate in leisure activities as a way to increase their satisfaction with school life, and that various on-campus student welfare policies can be proposed to encourage participation in leisure activities.

Keywords: leisure motivation, recreation specialization, efforts to increase the level of recreation specialization, intent of recreation specialization increase
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