학술 지식체계 분석을 통한 한국형 스포츠클럽 정착 방안 개발
The purpose of this study is to analyze domestic academic knowledge related to public sports clubs. In particular, it was intended to investigate the type of perception of the Korean club system settlement plan for experts related to public sports club research, and further derive its characteristics. In this study, the Q methodology was adopted, and 25 Q samples were selected through the Q population. The P sample adopted 20 experts empathize with academic research related to public sports clubs and conducted Q classification. PQ method 2.35 was used for data analysis, the centroid method was applied for factor analysis, and the varimax method was applied for rotation. As a result of the study, a total of 4 types appeared, and the explanatory power of all types was 58%. The first type was named as the pursuit of internalization through legal and institutional change, the second type was named as the establishment of cooperative governance with related institutions, the third type was named as the growth of public institutions for local sports welfare, and the fourth type was named as securing areas for activation of education. Through the above results, it was possible to understand the tasks that public sports clubs and related institutions should pursue in the near future to establish the Korean sports club system.
sports club, Korean-styled sports club, public sports club, Q methodology키워드:
스포츠클럽, 한국형 스포츠클럽, 공공스포츠클럽, Q방법론Acknowledgments
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