치매예방 운동프로그램 참여 노인의 운동지속에 관한 연구
This study analyzed the exercise adherence of the elderly participating in the senior center based on the experience of participants in the Mapo-gu dementia prevention exercise program as a qualitative study. In this study, 10 participants in the senior center program aged 60 or older were explored using phenomenological research methods. As a result of this study, first, it was found that the importance of physical activity was recognized and the program was intended to continue to improve health. Second, it found out participants tried to learn new things continuously. Third, it was found that increased in life satisfaction with the confidence gained from participating in the exercise program. Fourth, it was intended to continue for unusual vitality and enjoyment in the life of the elderly. Fifth, it was found that it was intended to continue for the formation of interpersonal relationships and means of social communication. Therefore, this study identified the exercise adherence of the elderly who participated in the dementia prevention exercise program and provided basic data for activating leisure for the elderly for successful aging.
dementia, dementia prevention, the elderly, the senior center, exercise program, exercise adherence키워드:
치매, 치매예방, 노인, 운동프로그램, 운동지속References
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