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[ Article ] | |
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 17-29 | |
Abbreviation: KSLRP | |
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print) | |
Print publication date 31 Mar 2024 | |
Received 26 Jan 2024 Revised 06 Mar 2024 Accepted 18 Mar 2024 | |
DOI: | |
노년기의 여가목적, 여가만족 및 행복: ‘시간보내기’ 여가목적을 중심으로 한 예측요인 탐색 | |
임영신1 ; 김매이2
| |
1고려대학교 박사수료 | |
2고려대학교 교수 | |
Leisure purpose, leisure satisfaction and happiness in later life: Exploring predictors focusing on ‘passing the time’ leisure purpose | |
Lim, Youngshin1 ; Kim, May2
| |
1Korea University | |
2Korea University | |
Correspondence to : Kim, May E-mail: | |
This study aimed to investigate the differences in leisure satisfaction and happiness among older adults based on the purposes of their leisure activities, as well as to explore predictive factors for these leisure purposes. To achieve the research purpose, the data from 2,054 individuals aged 65 and above were selected from 2022 Korean National Leisure Activity Survey data for further analyses. Respondents’ leisure activity purposes were categorized into ‘pleasure/satisfaction,’ ‘health/rest,’ and ‘passing time.’ One-way ANOVA and multinomial logistic regression analyses were conducted using SPSS 25.0 software. The results indicated a significant difference in leisure satisfaction and happiness according to the purposes of leisure activities. Furthermore, logistic regression analysis identified age, household income, residential area size, subjective health, weekday leisure time, time constraints on leisure, economic constraints on leisure, adequacy of use of leisure facilities, adequacy of leisure facility programs, participation in repetitive leisure activities, leisure consciousness as significant predictors of leisure purposes. This study provides additional insights into leisure in later life by elucidating the differences in leisure satisfaction and happiness based on purposes of leisure among older adults and by identifying predictive factors for these purposes.
Keywords: leisure purpose, leisure motivation, older adults, leisure satisfaction, happiness 키워드: 여가목적, 여가동기, 노인여가, 여가만족, 행복 |
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