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[ Article ] | |
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 77-89 | |
Abbreviation: KSLRP | |
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print) | |
Print publication date 31 Mar 2022 | |
Received 10 Feb 2022 Revised 11 Mar 2022 Accepted 22 Mar 2022 | |
DOI: | |
COVID-19 상황에서 코로나 스트레스가 일-여가 갈등과 일-여가 촉진에 미치는 영향 | |
김영재1 ; 김이삭2
| |
1중앙대학교 교수 | |
2중앙대학교 박사과정 | |
The Effect of Covid-19 Stress on Work-Leisure Conflict and Work-Leisure Facilitation in the Covid-19 Situation | |
Kim, Young-Jae1 ; Kim, E-Sack2
| |
1Chung-Ang University | |
2Chung-Ang University | |
Correspondence to : Kim, Young-Jae E-mail: | |
This study aims to examine the effect of COVID-19 stress on work-leisure conflict and work-leisure facilitation. For this study, frequency analysis, descriptive statistic analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis targeting 745 office workers were carried out. The study findings are as follows. First, among sub-factors of COVID-19 stress, traumatic stress and risk significantly influenced all the sub-factors of work-leisure conflict, and compulsive checkups had a partially significant effect. Second, among sub-factors of COVID-19 stress, traumatic stress significantly influenced all the sub-factors of work-leisure facilitation, and risk and compulsive checkups partially influenced. In conclusion, these results mean that distributing appropriate time and reducing the work burden in each company for employees to fully enjoy leisure activities can help in reducing stress caused by COVID-19.
Keywords: COVID-19, COVID Stress, Work-Leisure Conflict, Work-Leisure Facilitation 키워드: 코로나-19, 코로나스트레스, 일-여가 갈등, 일-여가 촉진 |
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