Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park

Current Issue

Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 48 , No. 4

[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 97-109
Abbreviation: KSLRP
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Dec 2024
Received 31 Oct 2024 Revised 16 Dec 2024 Accepted 20 Dec 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2024.

전기노인과 중기노인의 여가참여 유형과 노인차별 경험 및 삶의 만족 간의 관계
임영신1 ; 김매이2
1고려대학교 박사
2고려대학교 교수

The Relationship Between Leisure Participation Types, Experiences of Age Discrimination and Life Satisfaction Among Youngest-Old and Middle-Old Adults
Lim, Youngshin1 ; Kim, May2
1Korea University
2Korea University
Correspondence to : Kim, May E-mail: kimmay@korea.ac.kr


This study investigated how various leisure activities influenced well-being outcomes, focusing on discrimination experiences, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction among older adults in South Korea. Using data from 8,141 respondents in the 2020 National Survey of Older Koreans, it analyzed two age groups: youngest-old and middle-old adults. Hierarchical regression analyses and ANOVA explored relationships between leisure activities (i.e.,cultural and artistic events, sports participation, and social activities), age discrimination, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction. Sports participation significantly affected life satisfaction in the youngest-old group, while both sports participation and relaxational activities had significant effect on life satisfaction in the the middle-old group. Leisure satisfaction positively affected life satisfaction in both groups, while discrimination had a negative impact. Furthermore, significant differences in discrimination, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction were found based on leisure activity type. Sports participation emerged as a particularly strong predictor of life satisfaction across both groups, especially among the youngest-old adults, and was associated with fewer discrimination experiences and higher leisure satisfaction. These findings underscore the importance of promoting leisure activities, especially sports, to enhance life satisfaction in older adults. The study also emphasizes the need for policies that address age discrimination and ensure access to diverse leisure activities tailored to the varying needs of different elderly age groups, thereby improving their overall well-being.

Keywords: ageism, age discrimination, leisure participation, life satisfaction, youngest-old, middle-old
키워드: 연령주의, 노인차별, 여가참여, 스포츠참여, 여가만족, 삶의 만족, 전기노인, 중기노인

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