Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 48, No. 3, pp.71-81
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Sep 2024
Received 31 Jul 2024 Revised 05 Sep 2024 Accepted 18 Sep 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2024.

중·노년 남성 단원들이 인식하는 커뮤니티 합창의 심리사회적 혜택

양혜정1 ; 강현정2
1커뮤힐 음악치료 스튜디오
2뉴욕주립대학교 프레도니아 캠퍼스
Middle-aged and Older Male Participants’ Perceived Socio-Psychological Benefits of Community Choir
Yang, Hye-Jung1 ; Kang, Hyun-Jung2
1CoMuHeal Music Therapy Studio
2State University of New York at Fredonia

Correspondence to: Kang, Hyun-Jung Music Therapy, School of Music, Mason Hall, 280 Central Ave, Fredonia, NY 14063, USA Tel:+1-716-673-3209, Fax:+1-716-673-3154, E-mail: hyunjung.kang@fredonia.edu


The purpose of this study is to examine the socio-psychological benefits of Korean community choir participation as a leisure activity for middle-aged and older male participants. A total of 224 men were surveyed: 122 middle-aged and 102 older adults, recruited in the greater Seoul area, Republic of Korea. The 42 items of the survey were developed from two domains: sociodemographic/musical backgrounds and socio-psychological benefits. The socio-psychological benefits were categorized in three areas: personal, relational, social/community. Results from descriptive and t-test analyses are as follows. First, both middle-aged and older men overall recognized the benefits of choir participation. Among the personal-area benefits, middle-aged men perceived achievement as the greatest whereas for older men the greatest benefit was stress relief. In the relational area, intimacy was perceived by the middle aged group as the greatest benefit while strengthening a sense of responsibility was the older group’s greatest. Within the social and community area, both groups reported membership as their greatest benefit. Second, the overall level of perceived benefits within the personal area was significantly greater in the older group than the middle-aged group. Third, in terms of sociodemographic/musical backgrounds, retired men perceived a higher level of benefit related to role-playing through choir participation. Additionally, the middle-aged group reported stronger personal benefits with longer duration of participation and increased frequency of on-stage performances. The findings provide a better understanding of the socio-psychological benefits of participating in community choirs for Korean middle-aged and older men, reflecting the evolving dynamics of contemporary Korean society.


Korean middle-aged and older men, community choir, community leisure participation, socio-psychological benefits


중노년남성, 커뮤니티합창, 커뮤니티여가참여, 심리사회적혜택


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