골프지도자의 일에서의 여가 경험 탐색
The purpose of this study is to explore the leisure experienced by golf instructors at work. Therefore, the situational factors experiencing leisure at work were explored, and the types of leisure experienced at work were suggested. For the study, a case study was conducted with 28 golf instructors, and data were collected through open-ended questionnaires through qualitative research methods. The results are as follows. First, Golf leaders were found to be experiencing leisure at work from various situations, such as experiencing pleasure and freedom from the physical environment, controlling the content and intensity of work on their own, and recognizing the desire for self-development for professionalism. Second, based on the results of the level of recognition of the concept of leisure experienced at work, it was found that the types of work-leisure experience were divided based on the physical condition ‘restraint’, and the psychological condition ‘voluntary’. Quadrant 1 is the ‘work-leisure identification type’ and belongs to the case where ‘restraint’ is low and ‘voluntary’ is high. Quadrant 2 is a ‘work-leisure harmony type’ and belongs to the case where high ‘restraint’ and ‘low voluntary’. Quadrant 3 is a ‘work-leisure opposition type’ and belongs to the case where high ‘restraint’ and low ‘voluntary’. Quadrant 4 is an area where both ‘restraint’ and ‘voluntary’ are low and does not correspond of the type of leisure experienced at work. This study is meaningful in that it provides new implications for understanding the boundaries between work and leisure according to professional characteristics by exploring the leisure experienced in the work of golf instructors, professional groups with a different work pattern from general workers.
work and leisure relationships, leisure experienced at work, work-leisure experience types, golf instructor키워드:
일과 여가 관계, 일에서의 여가 경험, 일-여가 경험 유형, 골프지도자Acknowledgments
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