골프 참여에 대한 MZ세대들의 행동의도 예측: 가격 민감도의 조절 역할
The purpose of this study is to predict the golf participation of the MZ generation based on the planned behavior theory and to verify the role of regulation by adding price sensitivity. In September 2022, the subjects of the study selected golf participants of the MZ generation online and collected 188 samples through random sampling. The collected data were analyzed using statistical programs (SPSS WIN, AMOS). In the results of the study, first, it was found that the attitude and subjective norms of MZ generation golf participants had a significant effect on behavioral intention. Second, subjective norm * price sensitivity and perceived behavioral control * price sensitivity of MZ generation golf participants were found to have a moderating effect. In conclusion, it was found that the price sensitivity of golf participants in the MZ generation could play a moderating role in golf participation through subjective norms and perceived behavioral control.
MZ generation, golf, theory of planned behavior, moderating effect키워드:
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