프로야구 동일 홈구장 사용 여가관람자들의 스포츠 팬 행동, 팀 애착 및 충성도의 관계분석
The purpose of this study is to verify the propensity of sports fans through comparison between groups in the same home stadium of professional baseball. Through this study, we intend to present the importance of an independent sports space by comparatively analyzing the sports fan behavior of clubs using the same home stadium in professional baseball that is affiliated with the local area. For the sampling of this study, professional baseball fans who watched the game at Jamsil Baseball Stadium in Seoul were selected as the population. To accomplish of this research, 500 samples from Jamsil baseball stadiums were used. For this study, 478 data were used except data which did not respond or responded trustlessly. First, as a result of analyzing the effect of professional baseball fan behavior on team attachment, it was found that fan behavior factors had a statistically significant effect on team attachment for the Doosan Bears and LG Twins home audience. Second, as a result of analyzing the effect of professional baseball fan behavior on loyalty, it was found that fan behavior factors had a statistically significant effect on loyalty in the case of the Doosan Bears and LG Twins home audience. Third, as a result of analyzing the effect of team attachment on loyalty, it was found that team attachment had a statistically significant effect on loyalty in both the Doosan Bears and LG Twins home audience.
Sports Fan Behavior, Team Attachment, Loyalty, Professional Baseball키워드:
스포츠 팬 행동, 팀 애착, 충성도, 프로야구References
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