코로나 19 시기, 유아 및 초등학생 자녀를 둔 워킹맘의 여가 경험에 대한 현상학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to explore the leisure experience of working moms during the COVID-19 and to identify what leisure components were most paramount. In-depth interviews were conducted on working moms with infants and elementary-aged children. The collected data were analyzed using the four-step phenomenological analysis method. As a result, these subjects’ responses were extracted into five components and 14 sub-components. First, “the deprivation and exhaustion of leisure” during the Corona virus era was found to be the main leisure struggle of working moms of young children, and “survival leisure” was derived to be best at restoring their exhausted bodies and minds and to assist in a better work-family balance. Following was the “activation of family leisure”. Prior to COVID-19, core family leisure was common, but the mediated balance family leisure became more prominent during the pandemic. Finally, “leisure using online platforms” and “changed social activities” through active and online exchanges was also derived. In summary, we introduced one of the first studies to analyze the leisure experiences of working moms with infants and primary-aged children during the COVID-19 pandemic. This work will lead to a greater understanding of how these moms are being affected from a leisure point of view, help to establish leisure programs or initiatives to help these moms and families during the pandemic.
COVID-19, working moms, leisure, phenomenological study, family leisure, work-leisure balance키워드:
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