COVID-19시대, 캠핑 체험의 의미 변화 탐색
Social distancing due to COVID-19 is having a profound impact on the overall aspects of daily life. Due to this, various restrictions and changes are accompanied not only in personal life but also in leisure activities. This study was conducted to compare and analyze keywords and related words related to camping before and after the outbreak of coronavirus to re-examine the meaning of camping as a leisure activity in the untact era, and explore new values as a leisure space. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the results were extracted using Naver Data Lab's search trends and text mining techniques by designating the period from March to October in 2019 and 2020. As a result First, the number of clicks on camping and camping news has soared after Corona 19. Second, There are differences in related search terms related to camping before and after Corona 19. Prior to Corona 19, the focus was on keywords related to ‘outdoor activities enjoyed with family’. On the other hand, after Corona 19, the focus was on keywords related to ‘outdoor activities in independent and safe space’, especially the keyword of ‘car camping’ has risen sharply. This is interpreted as a result of reflecting the characteristics of camping, which allows various experiences in a large space, and suggests that camping has been reinterpreted as a content that can satisfy the desire for outdoor activities.
COVID-19, camping, camping experience, keyword analysis, related search terms키워드:
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