COVID-19와 백패킹 경험에 관한 탐색적 연구: 20-30대 진지한 여가참여자를 중심으로
2경기대학교 연구교수
3경기대학교 교수
2Kyonggi University
3Kyonggi University
The purpose of this study is to analyze how serious backpacking participation has faced a new leisure culture amid COVID-19. A survey by way of qualitative research method was carried out targeting 7 backpackers aged between 20s and 30s, and phenomenological analysis was employed. The results of the study as follows. First, serious backpackers experienced both an empathy and discomfort on the changes of backpacking during COVID-19. Second, novice backpackers who began backpacking in the wake of COVID-19 did not have required packing, basic physical strength and safety technique which should be optimized hard skills, in other words technological competence and skill level. It was found that serious backpackers were proud of their hard skills in general. Third, the backpacking culture of serious leisure participants could be summarized as their thoughtfulness including the LNT(Leave No Trace) movement for nature and consumption for the local community for instance. In the final analysis, serious backpackers experienced the gap between an illusion and reality of backpacking due to COVID-19, and they attempted to prove themselves as a serious backpacker with their backpacking hard skills and manner. It could be asserted that the results of this study could provide preliminary data of changed outdoor recreation experience caused by COVID-19. It is also expected that they could be utilized as a useful evidence to conjecture about the post-coronavirus leisure environment.
COVID-19, backpacking, outdoor recreation, LNT(Leave No Trace) movement키워드:
코로나19, 백패킹, 아웃도어 레크리에이션, LNT(흔적남기지 않기)운동References
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