코로나19 상황 중 뇌성마비 장애학생의 홈트레이닝 참여정도가 프로그램 만족 및 지속의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the study is to explore how the participation levels (frequency, strength, and length) of an online home-training program influence the flow, satisfaction, and intention to re-participation of students with CP who have limitedly participated in physical-activity based leisure due to COVID-19 and their immobility. The study was conducted on 26 students with cerebral palsy who participated in a 6-week physical activity program. Participants have participated in a 1-hour live program (online or offline) once a week and home-training programs with pre-provided video clips. Participants who participate in home-training programs more frequently showed higher flow and satisfaction. However, the exercise strength showed a statistically significant difference in intention to re-participation, and the exercise length did in satisfaction only. Although the effects of participation levels in this study are not as strong as the results of other studies conducted on people without disabilities, the results of the study showed the importance to develop appropriate online leisure programs for people with disabilities and research their leisure lives in crisis-like situations such as COVID-19.
COVID-19, children with CP, online physical activity program, home-training, pariticipation level키워드:
코로나19, 뇌성마비 장애아동, 온라인 신체활동 프로그램, 홈트레이닝, 참여정도Acknowledgments
이 연구는 2021학년도 고려대학교 사범대학 특별연구비 지원을 받아 수행되었음
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