코로나19로 인한 테니스장 폐쇄가 교수테니스 동호인들의 삶에 주는 의미
The Covid-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact upon human-beings’ daily lives. The primary purpose of this study was to identify individual experiences due to the shut-down of a tennis club court during the Covid-19 pandemic, with which tennis club members faced. This study also attempted to identify challenges and constraints in performing active leisure activities during the Covid-19 pandemic within the frameworks of leisure constraints negotiation. Using constructivist grounded theory, 18 participants took part in this study. The findings indicated seven main themes: (a) reduction of close human relationships, (b) increase of excessive stress, (c) reduction of flow in performing job-related tasks, (d) reduction of pleasure in daily lives, (e) increase of physical problem, (f) increase of sedentary leisure activities, and (g) reduction of leisure satisfaction. It appeared that these negative life changes derived from the shut-down of a tennis club court can be ameliorated and modified depending upon each individual's leisure constraints negotiation and repertoire of serious leisure, which are associated with his/her leisure satisfaction and perceived health in the Covid-19 crisis. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
Covid-19, leisure constraints, leisure constraints negotiation, serious leisure키워드:
코로나19, 여가제약, 여가제약협상, 진지한여가References
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