코로나 19로 인한 피트니스센터 참여자들의 참여변화과정에 관한 현상학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes in sport participation after COVID-19 with participants at the fitness center. In-depth interviews were conducted with a total of six participants. The findings are as follows. First, participants in the fitness center had negative psychological changes depending on the changed environment due to COVID-19, which showed fear, anxiety and discomfort. Second, COVID-19 caused constraints due to environmental changes, which were identified as restrictions on collective prohibition, interpersonal constraints, and economic constraints. Third, although there were psychological changes and restrictions, the participants showed a willingness to overcome participation in physical activities, resulting from a cognitive desire for participation in physical activities and an actional desire for participation in physical activities. Finally, the subjects were found to have made efforts to participation in physical activities, such as finding alternatives, participation in physical activities at a minimum cost, and changing routines for participation in physical activities.
COVID-19, fitness center, participation change process, phenomenological analysis키워드:
코로나 19, 피트니스센터, 참여변화과정, 현상학적 분석Acknowledgments
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