Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 45, No. 3, pp.91-100
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Sep 2021
Received 08 Aug 2021 Revised 05 Sep 2021 Accepted 17 Sep 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2021.

여가스포츠 종목에 따른 AI(인공지능) 레벨 적용연구

1중앙대학교 교수
A Study on the Application of AI(Artificial Intelligence) Levels Depending on Leisure Sports Events
Kim, Youngjae1
1Chung-Ang University

Correspondence to: Kim, YoungJae E-mail: yjkim@cau.ac.kr


This study aims to analyze AI level-based functions and characteristics of different leisure sports events, as a basic study on the directivity of AI technology application appropriate for various leisure sports events. This study targeted 312 general adults in their twenties to sixties or under. This study set three AI levels(Level 0, 1, 2) to apply to leisure sports. Also, leisure sports events were divided into 5 main categories and 27 sub-categories, based on the Sports Safety Foundation(2021) Safety Contents. For analysis, descriptive statistics and frequency analysis were employed. The study result showed that bungee jump, rock climbing, swimming and walking were representative leisure sports(Level 0) that could be enjoyed without AI, and paragliding, survival game, scuba diving, screen golf and golf were leisure sports(Level 1) to enjoy with the help of AI. Lastly, paragliding, mountain motorcycling, rafting, weight training and bike were manipulable AI leisure sports(Level 2) under unexpected situations. Based on the performance process of this study, further research on a similar topic will need to use different factors for various situational characteristics, in addition to the factors used in this study.


Leisure Sports, Artificial Intelligence, AI Level, Air Sports, Mountain Sports, Water Sports, Indoor Sports


여가스포츠, 인공지능, AI 수준, 항공 스포츠, 산악 스포츠, 수상 스포츠, 실내 스포츠


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