플립러닝 교수법을 활용한 여가학 수업 사례 분석: 교수자 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to analyze the case of leisure studies classes to which the flip learning teaching method is applied through centered on the instructor. The subject of the study is leisure studies classes conducted with flip learning for more than 8 weeks in 1-2 semesters of 2020, specifically the final result of the leisure studies classes stored in the LMS(learning management system) and the research method is the class content analysis method revised and supplemented by Lee Yong-suk (2007) can be used by university instructors who want to analyze their own classes. The main findings are as follows: First, the study of leisure education should take its place as an important part of leisure research. Second, the goal of leisure education is to improve leisure capacity related to leisure attitude and to develop leisure skill and I am confident that the flip learning can help to achieve the goal of leisure education. Third, flip learning teaching method can help to achieve the goal of leisure education and can be used in a variety of classes, including leisure studies, leisure programs, recreation, sport tourism, capston design, leisure related projects, and field oriented classes, also is easy to achieve teaching goals even in online classes, customized education, debate/discussion, and team collaboration learning.
Leisure Studies, Flipped Learning, Leisure Education, Leisure Studies Classes키워드:
여가학, 플립러닝, 여가교육, 여가학 수업References
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