국내청소년의 외향성, 놀이성, 체육수업기본심리가 학교행복감에 미치는 영향: 여가라이프스타일의 매개효과 분석
We investigated the influences of extraversion, playfulness, and the basic needs in physical activities class on school happiness. In these relationships, we further examined the mediating roles of leisure lifestyles. A sample of 1886 adolescents in Pusan, Kyungnam, and Daegu areas completed the questionnaires. This study used 1809 responses for the final analyses, omitting irregular 77 responses. Findings of this study is as follows. First extraversion positively affected school happiness. Second, regarding playfulness, emotional fluidity and emotional spontaneity positively affected school happiness, whereas physical spontaneity negatively affected school happiness. Third, regarding the basic needs, relatedness and competence positively affected school happiness. Fourth, regarding leisure lifestyle, planned leisure lifestyle, work-oriented leisure lifestyle, and family-oriented leisure lifestyle positively affected school happiness. Fifth, results of mediation analyses by PROCESS macro showed that the planned and family-oriented leisure lifestyles partially mediated the relationships between extraversion and playfulness and school happiness. That is, extraversion and two factors of playfulness, basic needs had direct effects on school happiness among adolescents, and this tendency was strengthened when adolescents had planned and family-oriented leisure lifestyles. The findings highlight the importance of leisure and family to improve well-beings of Korean adolescents.
school happiness, extraversion, playfulness, leisure lifestyles, mediation키워드:
학교행복감, 외향성, 놀이성, 여가라이프스타일, 매개변인Acknowledgments
이 논문 또는 저서는 2016년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(NRF-2016S1A5A8020448)
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