문화예술 융합교육 여가프로그램 사례연구: 꿈다락 토요문화학교 중심으로
The Culture and Arts Foundation carries out Ggumdarak Saturday Culture School to provide equal opportunities of culture and arts education for students living in culturally isolated areas. However, many researches have focused on reporting the current status of arts education, and as a results, the current academia lacks in-depth qualitative research on the best practice of culture and arts education. Thus, this study aims to identify the characteristics of leisure program for culture and arts convergence education using Ggumdarack Saturday Culture School case and provide rich insights into the direction of arts education in the field. The present study, a qualitative research, uses focus-group interview. Ggumdarack Saturday Culture School program is an arts convergence program that combines Yeonggamnori, a cultural heritage of Jeju, and aims to integrate various art genre. Therefore, through the program, students solely focus on the culture of Jeju to find what is disappearing and have opportunities to become ambassador of the culture of Jeju. Second, students learned how to play together with music, dance, sports and art performance and expressed themselves in active and creative ways. Third, students spend Saturday with meaningful activities and communicate with peers through the program. However, the implementation of the convergence education reveals the needs of extensive and sophisticated educational programs that reinforce the convergence of not only art genre but also science activities. In addition, it is required to develop systematic curriculum for long-term program.
Culture art, Convergence education, Leisure program, Yeonggamnori키워드:
문화예술, 융합교육, 여가프로그램, 영감놀이References
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