스키장 이용객의 긍정적 노스탤지어가 여가정체성 및 상징적 여가소비에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to clarify the influence between positive nostalgia and leisure identity and symbolic leisure consumption of ski resort users. In order to achieve this goal, from December 2019 to February 2020, we visited ski resorts in Gyeonggi-do and Gangwon-do and collected a total of 424 data. The same conclusion was drawn. First, among the sub-factors of positive nostalgia, positive self-esteem, positive emotions, and social solidarity had a significant positive (+) effect on all sub-factors of leisure identity, and the meaning of life was positive (+) only for group identification factors. Influenced. Second, among the sub-factors of positive nostalgia, social solidarity had a significant positive (+) effect on all sub-factors of symbolic leisure consumption, and positive emotions had a positive (+) effect on pleasure and communication factors. Crazy, and the meaning of life had a positive (+) effect only on pleasure factors. Third, emotional attachment among the sub-factors of leisure identity had a significant positive (+) effect on all sub-factors of symbolic leisure consumption, and respect had a positive (+) effect on communication and display factors. . On the other hand, the influence between leisure identity and other important factors was not significant.
Ski resort users, positive nostalgia, leisure identity, symbolic leisure consumption키워드:
스키장 이용객, 긍정적 노스탤지어, 여가정체성, 상징적 여가소비References
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