스포츠스태킹 참가 청소년의 여가태도와 위험행동 및 적응유연성과의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the The structural relationship among sportstaking participants' leisure attitude, risk behavior and resilience of adolescents. The questionnaires are distributed to 200 middle school students in daejeon and 172 of them were analyzed. The measurement tools used were adolescent leisure attitude scale, risk behavior scale and resilience. SPSS WIN VER 23.0 and Amos 22.0 program were used to analyze the data with reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation model. Followings are the results of this study. First, the aolescents’leisure attitude significantly affects on the risk behavior. Second, the adolescents’leisure attitude significantly affects on the resilience. Third, the adolescents’risk behavior significantly affects on the resilience. Fourth, the adolescents’leisure attitude has a significantly influence on Risk behavior and Resilience both directly and indirectly. In addition, the adolescents’leisure attitude has a significantly influence on subjective resilience mediated by risk behavior.
sportstaking, leisure attitude, risk behavior, resilience, adolescents키워드:
스포츠스태킹, 여가태도, 위험행동, 적응유연성, 청소년References
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