여가제약과 여가참가의 관계에 대한 종합적 분석
This study was attempted to comprehensively analyze relationship between leisure constraint and leisure participation through meta-analysis. 16 individual studies on relationship between leisure constraint and leisure participation were collected and analysed with coefficient of correlation effect size. To analyze the data, CMA(Comprehensive Meta-Analysis) software program was used. The main findings are as follows: First, the overall average effect size between leisure constraint and leisure participation was . 018. Second, Average effect size between leisure constraint and sub-factor leisure participation, participation frequency was observed to be higher than the others. Third, Average effect size between leisure constraint and leisure participation in participant characteristics, working people were observed to be higher than non-working people. Finally, the limitation of this study and future research orientation were discussed.
Leisure, Leisure Constraint, Leisure Participation, Comprehensive Analysis키워드:
여가, 여가제약, 여가참가, 종합적 분석References
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