K-Pop콘서트 체험요소(4Es) 및 여가만족 차이분석: 방문시 동행자, 관람횟수를 중심으로
In order to investigate differences in experience factors(4Es) of K-Pop concerts and leisure satisfaction, this study targeted people who enjoy K-pop concerts as leisure activities. Prior to the study, the purpose of investigation was explained to the participants and self-administered questionnaires using the SNS-based online(Google) survey system were distributed to them. A total of 241 questionnaires were used for the final analysis and the following results were obtained. First, significant differences were found in sub-factors of experience(4Es) when the participants were accompanied by others during K-Pop concerts, and only emotional and educational factors of leisure satisfaction showed significant differences. The groups of people who attended K-Pop concerts by themselves had more entertainment and escapist experience factors than the group of those that attended K-Pop concerts with friends of the same sex, and emotional and educaitonal leisure satisfaction was found. Second, in relation to differences in experience factors(4Es) depending on the number of K-Pop concert attendances, entertainment, educational and escapist factors excepting esthetic factors showed significant differences, and there were significant differences in sub-factors excepting physical factors of leisure satisfaction. Also, the group of people that attended K-Pop concerts more than three times had more entertainment and escapist experiences than the group of those that attended K-Pop concerts for the first time, and social and emotional leisure satisfaction was found. In conclusion, it is considered that based on this study, there is a need to empirically research the attendance at K-pop concerts as a kind of leisure activities and develop an experience scale which reflects Pine & Gilmore's experience factors.
K-Pop Concert, Leisure Satisfaction, Pine & Gilmore’s Experience Factors(4Es), Experience Economy키워드:
K-Pop 콘서트, 여가만족, 파인과길모어, 체험경제이론, 체험요소Acknowledgments
이 논문은 2019년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 인문사회분야 중견연구자지원사업의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(NRF-2019S1A5A2A01049423).
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