빅데이터를 활용한 여가산업 인식 분석
This study aims to investigate the perception of the leisure industry by analyzing keywords from the national daily papers for the last 12 years. The data used for analysis were collected from a total of 24 media organizations: eleven major dailies, eight economic papers, and five broadcasting stations. In this study, we divided the leisure industry into three categories: sports industry, tourism industry and art industry and gathered data using keywords. The data was analyzed using NetMiner, through the analysis of centrality and cohesion group. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, there was little change in the analysis of degree centrality of top-ranking keywords in the leisure industry by year. In the sports industry, “support” was at the top of the list, between 2008 and 2019. Notably, “athlete” ranked gradually lower since 2008, with new keywords such as “business” and “game” emerging in high rank. In the tourism industry, “region” was in higher ranks. One of the noticeable changes is that “culture” rose higher in the rank. In the art industry, “art,” “culture,” and “industry” continued to remain in higher ranks. Also, “support,” “company,” “policy,” and “development” ranked high on the list, which confirms that keywords related to support for the art industry has a high degree centrality. Second, the result of the leisure industry keyword network analysis using accumulated data is as follows: In the sports industry, the keywords were in the order of “sports,” “industry,” “support,” and “business”; In the art industry, “art,” “culture,” “industry,” and “support.” Third, we conducted the cohesion group analysis to examine how the subgroups of the leisure industry keyword network are organized. According to the result, the sports industry has 117 keywords and five subgroups. For Group 5, the biggest network, we analyzed its subgroups again. Also, the tourism industry has 104 keywords and seven subgroups, and the art industry has 97 keywords and seven subgroups.
leisure industry, big data, keyword network analysis, semantic network analysis, leisure industry keyword키워드:
여가산업, 빅데이터, 키워드 네트워크 분석, 의미연결망 분석, 여가산업 키워드Acknowledgments
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