대학태권도 동아리 참여자의 참여동기, 자아탄력성 및 심리적 웰빙의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among participation motivation, ego-resiliency and psychological well-being of college student participating in Taekwondo club. The subjects of study were not professionals who majored in Taekwondo nor belong to the 2018 National Taekwondo University Association, but they were college students participating in a Taekwondo club. And were sampled utilizing the convenience sampling method among the non-probability sampling methods. After collecting the questionnaires, we used 331 materials for the final analysis. Statistical analysis was conducted, utilizing SPSS and AMOS for the analysis of material. This study conducted confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis to validify the validity and credibility of the questionnaires, and conducted frequency analysis to figure out the demographic characteristics. The study also conducted correlation analysis in order to analyze the participation motivation, ego-resiliency and psychological well-being and then conducted multiple regression analysis. The result of such analysis through those methods were as follows. Firstly, According to the results of the analysis of the relationship between the participation motivation and ego-resiliency of college students participating in a Taekwondo club, It appeared that the causes of pleasure in participating motive, the causes of development of technique and achievement have a static effect on ego-resiliency, and the amotivation appeared to have a negative effect on ego-resiliency. Secondly, according to the result of the analysis of the relationship between the participation motivation and psychological well-being of college students participating in Taekwondo Club, all the causes except the amotivation of participation motives, appeared to have a partly static effect on psychological well-being. And amotivation appeared to have a negative effect. Thirdly, according to the result of the analysis of the relationship between the ego-resiliency and psychological well-being, ego-resiliency appeared to have a static effect on the hedonic enjoyment of psychological well-being, folw, self-realization and self-confidence.
college student in Taekwodno club, participation motivation, ego-resiliency, psychological well-being키워드:
대학 태권도 동아리, 참여동기, 자아탄력성, 심리적 웰빙Acknowledgments
본 논문은 주저자의 2019년 석사학위 논문의 내용을 수정 및 보완하여 작성되었음.
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