Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 43, No. 3, pp.69-80
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Sep 2019
Received 08 Aug 2019 Revised 26 Aug 2019 Accepted 19 Sep 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2019.

GIS를 활용한 여가시설의 지역별 입지 접근성 평가: 제주시 행정동을 대상으로

Evaluation of locational accessibility to leisure facilities using GIS: Focusing on Jeju city Dong area
Nam, Yoon-seob1
1Jeju Research Institute

Correspondence to: Nam, Yoon-Seob Jeju Research Institute, AyeonRo 253, Jeju-si, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Korea Fax:+82-64-751-2168, E-mail: namyoon79@nate.com


Leisure is one of the universal rights that humans enjoy. Analyzing accessibility to leisure facilities is a spatial assessment of whether leisure opportunities are provided equally. Analysis of the accessibility to leisure facilities from residence to Jeju city showed that the highest areas were Oedo-dong and Ido1-dong. Although Oedo-dong has been a rural area in the past, it is believed that the accessibility to leisure facilities has been improved due to the planned positioning of the facilities in the city development project. There are not many facilities in the administrative district of Ido1-dong, but it is believed that to be influenced by the high accessibility to leisure facilities in the surrounding area. Yiho-dong, Yongdam 2-dong, and Bonggae-dong, which are the lowest areas, are located in Jeju Airport and Waste disposal site, making it difficult for residents to live in. So it was confirmed that the area where the urban development project was implemented has higher accessibility to leisure facilities. And that accessibility to leisure facilities is lower in residential areas where residents do not like them. It also confirmed that there might be differences between the facility location classified as administrative area and the facility location available to residents.


leisure facility, location, accessibility, opportunity to use, GIS


여가시설, 입지, 접근성, 이용기회, GIS


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