소셜미디어를 활용한 스포츠관광 인식 분석
This study aimed to analyze the public perception of sports tourism in social media through semantic network analysis. To achieve this goal, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube were selected as research subjects, and semantic network analysis between keywords in sports tourism-related texts was conducted. To this end, a total of 2012 data was collected, and a total of 17,165 keywords were collected from Twitter (409), Instagram (882), and YouTube (15874). We used the NetMiner program for data analysis, and specific analysis methods included Co-Word Analysis, Centrality Analysis, and analysis of Group Cohesiveness. The analyses offered the following results. First, the pairs of words that appeared simultaneously on sports tourism-related social media were 'leisure-sport,' 'diving-Cebu,' 'diving-travel,' 'sports-travel.' and 'instructor-freediving.' Second, the key words that showed 'degree of centrality' and 'betweeness centrality' were "sports", "leisure," "travel," 'diving,' 'free diving,' and 'restaurants.' Third, as a result of the cohesiveness group analysis, it was divided into five groups. The first cohesion group consisted of seven keywords, with 'luxury' as the core keyword, and the second cohesion group consisted of five keywords with 'Yongin' as the core keyword. The third cohesion group consisted of 16 keywords, with the core keyword 'freediving,' and the fourth cohesion group consisted of 18 keywords, with the core keywords' diving' and 'travel.' The fifth and final group is composed of a total of 25 keywords, with ‘leisure’ and ‘sports’ as core keywords.
sport tourism, social media, semantic network analysis, diving키워드:
스포츠관광, 소셜미디어, 의미연결망분석, 다이빙Acknowledgments
이 논문은 2018년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(NRF-2018S1A5A2A03031246).
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