배드민턴 동호회 여가 문화 탐구: 배드민턴 동호회 부부회원을 중심으로
The purpose of this study is to examine the leisure experience shared by family members/couples and the meaning of the shared experience, taking note of cases of couples that participate in badminton together. In this study, non-participant observation and in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 couples and two research assistants participating in a badminton club. The findings of this study are as follows. First, with regard to the processes through which couples participate in badminton and continue the participation, although study participants became to start playing badminton for diverse reasons, couples were shown to have started playing badminton mainly through the recommendation of their spouse and it could be understood that personal leisure lives have been changed into family/couple centered leisure lives. In addition, the continuous playing of badminton by couples was explained through the characteristics of the badminton games per se and the club culture. Second, the meanings of sharing leisure by couples were shown to be the ‘sharing of daily life’, the ‘sharing of emotions’, and the ‘sharing of memory’. The sharing of leisure by couples while playing badminton together was shown to increase communication, lead to acknowledgment and understanding of each other, and accumulate precious memories of life in the process.
badminton, leisure culture, couple leisure, sharing leisure키워드:
배드민턴, 여가문화, 부부여가, 여가공유Acknowledgments
이 논문은 2017년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(NRF-2017S1A5A2A01025765).
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