Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 43, No. 2, pp.105-115
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2019
Received 02 May 2019 Revised 30 May 2019 Accepted 22 Jun 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2019.

여성의 여가스포츠 향수에 따른 레크리에이션 전문화

김종호1 ; 황선환2
Recreation specialization according to leisure sport nostalgia of women
Kim, Jongho1 ; Hwang, Sunhwan2
1University of Ulsan
2University of Seoul

Correspondence to: Hwang, Sunhwan University of Seoul, 163 Seoulsiripdaero, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82-2-6490-2954, Fax:+82-2-6490-2949, E-mail: shhwang@uos.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to analyse the recreation specialization tendency according to leisure sport nostalgia of women. The subjects of the study were to set up a population of women over the age of 20 who were regularly participating in leisure sports activities, and to analyze a total of 200 questionnaires, excluding those that were returned with poor responses or missing answers, using the purposive sampling method. In order to compare the level of recreation specialization according to the level of leisure sports nostalgia, the level of leisure sports nostalgia was classified as upper, middle, and lower using K-means cluster analysis. The one-way ANOVA was conducted in order to verify the difference in recreation specialization based on the groups, and the multiple regression analysis was employed to analyze the effect of leisure sports nostalgia on recreation specialization. According to the results, firstly, there were differences in all sub-factors of recreation specialization according to the level of leisure sports nostalgia. In particular, the specialization of the group with high level of leisure sports nostalgia was high, while those with low levels of leisure sports nostalgia were low. Second, personal identity experience and group identity among sub-factors of leisure sports nostalgia were found to have significant positive influences on recreation specialization.


Women, Leisure sport nostalgia, Recreation specialization, Identity


여성, 여가스포츠 향수, 레크리에이션 전문화, 정체성


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