교육대학교 재학생들의 여가교육 경험 및 필요성 인식과 여가태도, 여가제약, 여가제약협상
The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences and cognition about leisure education, leisure attitude, leisure constraints and negotiation of educational university students. 4 educational universities were selected, and a total of 320 data was collected from 80 students in 4th grade at each university. 8 data was excepted because of missing answers, 312 data was used for the final analysis. 6 in-depth interviews were conducted for additional information. The results were as follow. The leisure education experiences of educational university students were very low, and more than half recognize the necessity of leisure education. Emotional attitude was the highest factor and cognitive attitude was the lowest factor in leisure attitude of educational university students. Economic constraints were high and facility constraints were relatively low in leisure constraints. Intensity control strategy was the highest and efforts to acquire skill strategy was the lowest factor in leisure constraints negotiation.
educational university students, leisure education, leisure experience, leisure cognition, leisure attitude, leisure constraints, leisure constraints negotiation키워드:
교육대학교 재학생, 여가교육, 여가경험, 여가인식, 여가태도, 여가제약, 여가제약협상Acknowledgments
이 논문 또는 저서는 2014년 정부재원(교육부)으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 연구되었음(NRF-2014S1A5B5A02017038).
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