Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 43, No. 1, pp.25-41
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Mar 2019
Received 30 Jan 2019 Revised 27 Feb 2019 Accepted 15 Mar 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2019.

빅데이터를 활용한 여가트렌드 분석

김경식1 ; 이연주2 ; 한승진3 ; 한승백4
Leisure Trend Analysis Using Big Data
Kim, Kyung-Sik1 ; Lee, Yeon-Ju2 ; Han, Seung-Jin3 ; Han, Seung-Baek4
1Hoseo University
2KBS Sport College
3Eulji University
4Pai Chai University

Correspondence to: Han, Seung-Baek Pai Chai University, 155-40 Baejae-ro(Doma-Dong), Seo-Gu, Daejeon, Korea E-mail: sbhan1002@gmail.com


This study analyzed the semantic network of leisure - related keywords reported in newspapers for the last 10 years. Specifically, it examined keywords of high degree of centrality and how those keywords constitute the sub-groups in leisure articles. This was an attempt to look at leisure trends using Big Data. To this end, a total of 3,359 news articles were collected from 13 news papers and processed through the semantic network analysis presented by NetMiner program. The analyses offered the following results. First, the top - level leisure related keyword network fluctuated with time. Leisure keywords such as ‘weekend’, ‘calm’, ‘gambling’, and ‘health’ were at the top of the list in 2008, while ‘families’, ‘travel’, ‘tourism’, ‘leisure’, ‘sports’, and ‘shopping’ came to the top in 2017. Leisure related keywords were building a meaningful network in relation to place, activity, and time. Second, the top keywords in the network that symbolize leisure of Korean society were similar regardless of the centrality. Keywords were such as ‘Yeongjongdo’, ‘Seoul’, ‘metropolitan area’, ‘outdoor’, ‘camping’, etc. Simultaneous appearance keywords appeared in the order of ‘Yeongjongdo – airport’, ‘a day - 5 hour’, ‘Yeongjongdo – waterway’, ‘Yeongjongdo – sea’, ‘Yeongjongdo – park’, ‘exhibition - Jamsil playground’, Third, in the last 10 years, the keyword network symbolizing leisure of Korean society is composed of 20 large and small subgroups. The subgroups consisted of single familiy, a shopping mall, a resort, and the ocean. The first group consisted of a large group consisting of 63 keywords (47.0%) and the first group was grouped into six meaningful subgroups . Keywords were ‘Yeongjongdo’, ‘outdoor’, ‘bicycle’, ‘park’, ‘4 major rivers’, ‘sports’, etc.


leisure trend, big data, semantic network analysis, policy of leisure


여가트렌드, 빅데이터, 의미연결망, 여가정책


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