문화예술 여가활동이 청년층의 삶의 질에 미치는 영향
This study aimed to investigate the positive impact of recreation specialization on the quality of life of young adults in their 20s and 30s, who are increasingly experiencing social problems such as depression and anxiety. Using structural equation modeling, the study examined the relationships among recreation specialization, recreation constraints, recreation constraint negotiation, negotiation efficacy, resilience, psychological well-being, and quality of life. The results of this study are as follows. As the level of recreation specialization in cultural and artistic activities increases, recreation participants experience fewer constraints and make use of more negotiation strategies to overcome those constraints. In this process, individuals with higher negotiation efficacy are more likely to effectively manage these constraints, leading to positive outcomes such as enhanced resilience, psychological well-being, and improved quality of life. Ultimately, recreation specialization positively affects quality of life. These findings suggest that mental health issues among young adults may be prevented or alleviated through recreation activities. Moreover, the positive effects of cultural and artistic recreation activities highlight the potential for expanding research in this area. Finally, this study indicates the need for developing tailored recreation programs that address the unique characteristics of young adults.
leisure activity, recreation specialization, leisure constraints, negotiation efficacy, resilience, quality of life, young adults키워드:
여가활동, 여가전문화, 여가제약, 협상효능감, 회복탄력성, 삶의 질, 청년층References
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