갯벌 방문객의 경관 및 소리경관지각과 환경연결감 및 회복경험, 회복관련자기효능감, 재방문의도의 구조적 관계
This study intends to examine how tidal flat visitors' perceptions of landscape and soundscape affect their Recovery-related Self-Efficacy(RSE), and Revisit Intention(RI) through the concepts of Nature Relatedness(NR) and Recovery Experience(RE). The data were collected from 1,056 respondents, who had visited tidal flat areas at least once during the last 15 months. The findings are as follows: First, landscape perceptions are positively connected with NR, indicating that the visual perception of the tidal flat landscape enhances visitors' NR. Second, NR positively impacted RE, showing that visual stimuli in tidal flats play an important role on enhancing both NR and RE. Third, soundscape perception positively affected RE, suggesting that natural sounds in tidal flats enhance visitors' recovery experiences. Fourth, RE positively influenced RSE, indicating that positive experiences from visiting tidal flats increase individuals' RSE. Finally, RE positively affected RI, indicating that various recovery aspects of tidal flats play an important role in enhancing visitors' intention to revisit. These findings suggest that enhancing the visual and auditory elements of tidal flats can considerably improve visitors' recovery experiences and increase their likelihood of revisiting tidal flat areas. This highlights the importance of incorporating nature-relatedness and recovery experiences into the management and planning of tidal flat areas to promote visitor well-being and sustainable tourism.
landscape, soundscape, nature relatedness, recovery experience, recovery-related self-efficacy, revisit intention, tidal flats키워드:
경관, 소리경관, 환경연결감, 회복경험, 회복관련자기효능감, 재방문의도, 갯벌References
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