The Moderating Role of Social Class on the Relationship between Motivation and Outdoor Recreation
This study examined how the relationship between motivation and outdoor recreation varies between high and low social classes. Using multidimensional conceptualization of motivation, a model was tested where the effects of motivational dimensions on outdoor recreation were moderated by social class. Results indicated that social class was a statistically significant moderator, such that variation in the sign or strength of the path coefficients was observed between high and low social classes. For the low social class, outdoor recreation was positively predicted by the desire for learning and leisure experience while the need for social interaction had a negative impact on outdoor recreation. For the high social class, outdoor recreation was positively affected by the desire for solitude and self-reflection and leisure experience. The need for leisure experience had greater impact on outdoor recreation for respondents in low social class than those in high class.
social class, motivation, outdoor recreation키워드:
사회계층, 여가동기, 아웃도어레크리에이션References
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