리듬운동 참여자의 기본심리욕구와 지속행동의 관계에서 자기 결정동기의 조절효과
This study investigated the mediation effect of self-determined motivation in the relationship between basic psychological needs and continued action of participants of rhythmic exercises. For the investigation, the convenience sampling method was used in adults participating in rhythmic exercises in the Gangwon area in year 2020 in which 318 samples were used for the final investigation. The programs SPSS and AMOS were used for frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and model 1 of Process Macro 3.4 ver. The conclusion derived from this analysis are as follows. First, the basic psychological needs of participants of rhythmic exercises were found to have positive influence upon continued behavior. Secondly, self-determined motivation was found to have moderation effect in the relationship between basic psychological needs and continued behavior. In conclusion, this study is expected to be utilized as basic material for building strategies for continued participation in rhythmic exercises as well as its positioning as a leisure activity.
Rhythmic exercises, Basic psychological need, Self-determined motivation, Continued behavior, Process Macro 3.4 ver키워드:
리듬운동, 기본심리욕구, 지속행동, 자기결정동기, 조절효과References
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