순천만국가정원 방문객들의 회복환경지각, 회복경험 및 행복감의 관계: 주의회복이론을 바탕으로
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among perceived restorativeness, recovery experience and happiness of Suncheon bay national garden visitors. This study investigated the process of perceived restorativeness leading to recovery experience and happiness health by applying attention restoration theory. To achieve the goal of this study, 321 surveys were collected from Suncheon bay national garden visitors. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS program. The results of this study were as follows. First, perceived restorativeness had positive effect on recovery experience. Second, perceived restorativness had positive effect on happiness. Third, recovery experience had positive effect on happiness. In conclusion, the finding of this study highlight that perceived restorativness is one of significant resources that can promote recovery experience and happiness and contribute to empirical support for attention restoration theory.
attention restoration theory, suncheon bay national garden, perceived restorativeness, recovery experience, happiness키워드:
순천만국가정원, 주의회복이론, 회복환경지각, 회복경험, 행복감References
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