Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park
[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 44, No. 2, pp.1-15
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2020
Received 30 Apr 2020 Revised 07 Jun 2020 Accepted 17 Jun 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2020.

가족의 지지를 통한 여성 노인의 여가활동 참여: 시니어 패션모델을 중심으로

임수아1 ; 허진무2 ; 양현민3
1연세대학교 석사과정
2연세대학교 교수
3Texas A&M 대학교 박사과정
Participation in Leisure Activity through Family Support among Older Women: Narratives of Senior Fashion Models
Im, Sua1 ; Heo, Jinmoo2 ; Yang, Hyunmin3
1Yonsei University
2Yonsei University
3Texas A&M University

Correspondence to: Heo, Jinmoo Yonsei University, Yonsei-ro 50, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea E-mail: heoj@yonsei.ac.kr


Participating in leisure activity is important to improving well-being of older adults. Among various leisure activities, there has been a growing interest in fashion modeling among older adults. Using qualitative method, we explored the behavior of older adults who are engaged in fashion modeling. Specifically we investigated how family support facilitates continued participation in senior fashion modeling. We conducted in-depth interviews with 19 older women. Analysis of the interviews revealed that fashion modeling was associated with family support, and the behavior of senior fashion modeling can be classified into three types based on the involvement: devoting, compromising, and abandoning. We suggest that senior fashion modeling is a promising leisure activity for older adults which could promote successful aging.


senior fashion modeling, leisure, family support, successful aging


시니어 패션모델, 여가활동, 가족의 지지, 성공적 노화


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