스포츠 여가프로그램 참여 남성의 라이프스타일, 여가몰입, 생활만족의 관계
The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among lifestyle, leisure flow, and life satisfaction of a paricipant of leisure program. To examine the relationship, the study conducted an online survey of a man who is currently participating in a leisure program related to sport activity in Gwangju Metropolitan. The survey was conducted from December 1, 2018 and February 28, 2019, and a total of 432 data were collected with 408 usable for analyses. Results of empirical analyses are as follows. First, the confirmatory factor analysis yielded five sub-factors of lifestyle, which were labeled identity-oriented, social, economical, health-oriented, and family-focused while leisure flow and life satisfaction composed of singular factor. Second, the structural equation model showed that three sub-factors, social, economical, and family-focused, had a positive influence on leisure flow while other two sub-factor, identity-oriented and health-oriented, had not. Third, the sample group’s leisure flow had a positive influence on their life satisfaction.
lifestyle, leisure behavioral flow, life satisfaction, leisure activity키워드:
라이프스타일, 여가행위몰입, 생활만족, 여가활동References
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