액티브 시니어(Active senior)의 여가유능감, 통합력 및 건강증진행동의 관계분석: 건강생성이론을 바탕으로
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among leisure competence, sense of coherence and health promotion behavior for active senior. This study investigated the process of leisure competence leading to health promotion behavior by applying Salutogenesis proposed by Antonovsky. To achieve the goal of this study, 299 surveys were collected from active senior. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS program. The results of this study were as follows. First, leisure competence for active senior had positive effect on sense of coherence. Second, leisure competence for active senior had positive effect on health promotion behavior. Third, sense of coherence for active senior had positive effect on health promotion behavior. In conclusion, the finding of this study indicate that leisure competence is one of significant resources that can promote sense of coherence and health promotion behavior and provide empirical support for Salutogenesis.
salutogenesis, leisure competence, sense of coherence, health promotion behavior, active senior키워드:
건강생성이론, 여가유능감, 통합력, 건강증진행동, 액티브 시니어Acknowledgments
이 논문은 2017년 대한민국 교육부와 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(NRF-2017S1A5B5A01023682).
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