Korean Society of Leisure, Recreation & Park

Journal Archive

Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 45 , No. 2

[ Article ]
Korean Journal of Leisure, Recreation & Park - Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 87-99
Abbreviation: KSLRP
ISSN: 1598-0413 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2021
Received 09 May 2021 Revised 03 Jun 2021 Accepted 14 Jun 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26446/kjlrp.2021.

COVID-19(코로나) 발생 전후로 나타난 청년의 여가활동유형과 우울감 관계
주진영1 ; 이세경2 ; 원형중3
1이화여자대학교 박사과정
2이화여자대학교 박사과정
3이화여자대학교 교수

A Study on Leisure Activity Types and Depressive Symptoms among YOUTH(Comparison before/after COVID-19)
Joo, Jin-Young1 ; Lee, Sei-Kyung2 ; Won, Hyung-Joong3
1Ewha Womans University
2Ewha Womans University
3Ewha Womans University
Correspondence to : Joo, Jin-Young E-mail: newit03@gmail.com


The purpose of this study was to identify the types of leisure activities before and after COVID-19 by using Two-stage Cluster analysis for Youth and the association of demographic characteristics and depression. A total of 358 data were collected. Frequency analysis, Independent sample t-test, Exploratory factor analysis, Reliability analysis, One-way ANOVA analysis, Two-stage cluster analysis and Chi-squre analysis were used. A Two-stage clustering analysis resulted in seven significant clusters. According to the type of leisure activities before and after COVID-19, 1.Culture viewing-Culture viewing, 2.Culture viewing-Exercise, 3.Hobby-Hobby, 4.Exercise-Exercise, 5.Watching sports-Watching sports, 6.Exercise- Entertainment activities, 7.Entertainment activities-Entertainment activities. The results were as follow: First, in Demographic variables, Women have higher depression than men, workers have lower depression than unemployed, highest for college graduates, and the highest income group have the lowest depression. Second, The group with the highest level of depression was the group 6. Exercise- Entertainment activities group, while the group with the lowest level of depression was 7. Entertainment activities-Entertainment activities group. Third, when looking at the clusters according to demographic variables, it was analyzed that the differences in groups by final educational background, income level, and gender were significant except for employment.

Keywords: leisure activity types, depressive symptoms, youth, covid-19, two-stage cluster analysis
키워드: 여가활동유형, 우울감, 청년, 코로나19

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